Lookout Now Available on the Acer


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2011
If you've ever used lookout mobile security on your phone you know that even the free version will locate your phone to within a few feet and send you an email pin-pointing its location, or it can make a loud noise so you can find out which couch cushion it fell under.

They just released a tablet version.

So can put this on your tablet and find where your kids left it when you weren't looking, or locate it when its stolen or forgotten.

I found that you have to request the location twice, because the first one is often off by several hundred feet, but the second will be spot on, as long as your tablet isn't in a bank vault of something.

And the scream: It will wake the dead.

Here is a YouTube link for what it sounds like:

Market: $chart.png

Link: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.lookout

Oh, yeah, they claim to be a virus and malware scanner too.
I've never ever heard one person say it ever detected any virus or malware on their tablet.
Not one published example. None.
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