No longer hiding! Also, have posting question...


Aug 11, 2011
Hello, I am new here. Registered after realizing how much can be learned on this site. I quit lurking in the shadows and joined. I need posting help though. I started a thread. Decided I wanted to delete it. No replies so should be easy. I see where I can edit but don't see a "delete". Also, there are 2 symbols on the forum page on my thread title. The 1st is a green something, thumb tack(?), on the left and there is a green checkmark on the right. What do these mean? Did I create these? Thanks, in advance, to anyone who can help!
Hello mb55, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to quit lurking and become a member. Only a Moderator can delete a thread. So, if you want something deleted just edit a note in the post along the lines of "Moderator, please delete." and we'll take care of it for you. I'm not sure what symbols you're seeing except perhaps the Thanks and Report Post buttons for thanking the poster for a useful post or reporting the poster for spamming, rude behavior etc. In general, if you hover your cursor on any symbol in the forum, an explanation will appear. Hope that helps.
Hi, Spider... Ok, got it. I will remember that the moderators must do the deletions. Unfortunately, I may have accidentally reported myself as a spamming rude person when I was clicking around looking for a delete option. Is it possible to get kicked off the forum right after being welcomed? If so, it's been nice knowing all of you. *smile* Thanks for your help, Spider.
Thanks for cleaning up my mess. I'll think things through and post more meaningful or useful posts going forward. Well, no promises but I'll try.
I saw that the post was gone. Had a shortcut to it and nothing was there when I clicked on shortcut. Good service!!