Overwhelmed! What's the Best Tablet?


Oct 14, 2011
Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Kayci, and I'm starting to look into tablets but have a ton of questions. So to start i want to say I dont have a budget it just has to meet my needs. I also have a gaming desktop that I use for major games so I'm just looking for something to use on the couch, in bed, etc.

I would like to get the "top of the line" tablet on the market, as in fastest, best at multitasking etc. My first question is would I be better off with a lower end laptop or a high end "top of the line" netbook or tablet? Like I said if I want to run a big game on a disk like, mmorpgs etc I have a desktop. The tablet or other portable device will be used for internet surfing and my girlfriend wants it to run facebook games fast without lag. I would like it to be able to run fast with more then one window/tab open on the internet or even run with a facebook game in one window and forum or other page in another.

I'm kind of a technology geek so I want all the bells and whistles like, multiple cameras, flash, biggest processor, most ram they come with, largest size "hard drive" (64GBs seems to be it which is ok), all the goodies. I have built computers/laptops and programmed them but I am new to the netbook/ tablet scene. From the research I have done so far I'm leaning towards the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. When I compared it to the XOOM I chose the Samsung over it. I actually prefered the ability to use an attachment to make the Samsung HDMI ready, over it being built in like on the XOOM. I can easily buy a new attachment if it were to break but if the HDMI port or other ports, that are built in, break they would be much more expensive to fix. I know it is a little contradictory to what I said before because I said I wanted everything, and I do, but now I'm saying I don't. That isn't the case if the best one has everything built in then great, I wouldn't say no to that. The HDMI port being built in wasn't the only reason I chose the Samsung over the XOOM.

So after comparing I thought the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 was the perfect one, and then I found the Sony S Tab I compared them for about a minute and started to feel overwhelmed and ended up here. So any help you guys can give me would be great. It would be awesome if I could use everyone's knowledge and research, in addition to my own to make the right decision. Maybe the majority will agree with me and make my decision easy. Thanks for all the help tou can give me and sorry it's so long and drug out.

Thanks Again,

If this isnt in the correct place I apologize. I wanted it to be noticed so I could get some answers and help. The last forum I posted in I never even got a response.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Kayci, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you were able to join us here at Android tablets. The best place to go on the forum for "shopping" advice is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm moving your thread over there for you. When you're over there, you should read the "Stickys" at the top and look through the threads that are already posted there with yours to get a feel for what's going on in the world of tablets. If you have any other questions, that would be the place to post them. Good luck on your search for the perfect tablet.


Oct 14, 2011
Again, sorry for posting in the wrong place. Thank you for the well wishes, I hope others read this and help me out too.



Senior Member
Aug 31, 2011
Hello and welcome to the forum Kayci. If you're looking for a tablet PC with the best support for games and graphics I would recommend the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 or perhaps the one I have which is the Asus Eee Pad Transformer. Both have fast dual-core processors, HD/3D graphics capabilities, high resolutions. The only thing is these tablets only come in 16 GB and 32 GB models so if you're set on getting a 64 GB tablet then perhaps another tablet would be more suitable. If you can hold off for a little bit it might be worth it to wait for a Tegra 3 tablet to come out, of course it all depends on how urgent it is for you to invest in one.

Regarding laptops vs tablets, that's a very common question and one that is not always easy to answer. In some ways laptops are better while in some ways tablets are better. Personally I would never by a laptop again, but that's just my preference, a lot of people do still enjoy using them. I will say for example with laptops you can use CD's or DVD's and also get a lot bigger hard drives, whereas with tablets you can't, however with the shift in external storage standards DVD's, CD's and massive hard drives are not necessarily needed nowadays with the numerous cloud storage services, microSD cards etc... They will be around for a while yet, but there are plenty of better storage alternatives now so what I'm saying is it's not exactly a main selling point like it use to be before tablets arrived.

Not sure if any of this helps but I hope so even if just a little. I would suggest you wait to see what advice other members here on the forum give you in order to fully help you with your decision. Either way I hope you find a device that is suitable for you and good luck with the search.
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Oct 14, 2011
I'm still leaning towards the Galaxy Tab and I hope more people jump in here with some info on the Sony. Games aren't my main object but I want it to run them without issues.

Thanks for the input DarrylB,


Oct 14, 2011
As an update I wanted to say I'm not locked in to any options. If the fastest processing tablet (top of the line) tablet only has 32GB or a 9.4 inch (just examples) thats fine, I just want the best of the best. Also I'm not in any hurry so I'm going to look into the Tegra 3.

Thanks Again,


Oct 14, 2011
I looked into the Tegra 3 real quick and the first thing I noticed was it was running Windows 8. Are windows tablets up to par with Android tablets? I was really leaning towards an Android tablet due to previous issues with windows run devices (other then computers). More info on that would be great also.



I figured out that the Tegra 3 is a processor not a tablet like I originally thought.
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Sep 21, 2011
Aye Tegra 3 is the upcoming line of Nvidia processors set to debut this year or so. Windows tablets are expensive and not really worth the price IMO. Id suggest you wait for the Tegra 3; its just around the corner if you desire it, and there will be pricecuts on the Tegra 2 tablets a plenty.


Oct 14, 2011
I agree after looking I will definatley be waiting for Tegra 3. Do we know which tablets will be using the Tegra 3 and if the Samsung Galaxy uses the Tegra 3 will it be the "top of the line" tablet out there?

Tom T

Senior Member
Feb 18, 2011
I think the tablet to watch for will be the Transformer 2, which will also probably be the first one to market. Sounds like a 16gig model will retail for US$499, a hundred more than the original Transformer.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum


Oct 15, 2011
I recently bought a 1st generation Asus Transformer as my power tablet. I also have a highly modified Coby Kyros 7015 (which I love as well). I highly recommend the Asus Transformer, but I agree with one of the responses that you wait for the 2nd generation with the tegra 3 processor. I am pleased with the performance, screen resolution and the docking station serves to extend the battery life to 16+ hours in addition to providing a touch panel for cursor control and a standard keyboard. Close the unit with the docking station and it forms a nice protective case protecting both the tablet and keyboard. My vote, of course, would be the Asus Transformer.


May 25, 2011
I love the Xoom but I feel the overwhelming feeling you have. Android Tablet Comparison will take forever if you don't pull the trigger the day your looking. If you wait a day another Tablet will come out.


Oct 14, 2011
I agree Asus is great my girlriend's new laptop will be a Asus. Is the how does the Asus compare to the Galaxy. Remember price doesn't really affect me, I will pay a 100 dollars more if its a better tablet. Thanks for the input so far though as you can see I am putting it into consideration.



Oct 14, 2011
After looking at the Asus it is just slightly worse then the Galaxy, in my opinion. Mostly because it lacks a High Def screen and that is a feature I would want.
