QR Code Reader for Android?


Dec 25, 2011
Can anyone recommend a decent QR Code reader for the Visio VTAB1008 series? I deal with a lot of documents that have the QR code on them, and I figure that with the camera function on my tablet, could access their sites (or at least the "cloud drive" they're stored at. . .). Anyone use it and have suggestions?

i've always used barcode scanner. been good to me so far. however, i don't have it on my vtab so therefore i haven't tested it
I have not found a single one that works with the VTAB. The reason I think they dont work is because the VTAB only has a front camera, not a rear facing one. The few that I have got to install crashed because when it called to load the camera, the system could not find the asset location of a rear facing camera. Crash report basically stated location of asset not found.
There was a thread about barcode/qr readers awhile back. Supposedly there is a dev working one for tsblets with front facing cameras only.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
I have not found a single one that works with the VTAB. The reason I think they dont work is because the VTAB only has a front camera, not a rear facing one. The few that I have got to install crashed because when it called to load the camera, the system could not find the asset location of a rear facing camera. Crash report basically stated location of asset not found.

There was a thread about barcode/qr readers awhile back. Supposedly there is a dev working one for tsblets with front facing cameras only.

Seems the front facing camera is the biggest hurdle to a decent program then. Thanks for the help!
