Screen Froze While Still On-Buttons Not Responsive


May 29, 2013
So, was on my tablet and had a game going. All was well and all of a sudden the screen froze. I went ahead and held the power button down with the intention of simply restarting the tablet but found that the buttons are unresponsive as well. So, I've let is sit for approximately the last 30 minutes or so to see if it would kick itself into gear at some point, but unfortunately with no results. It's still frozen and unresponsive.
Any suggestions? I just recently got this for mother's day, so it hasn't even had the chance to be mistreated yet. Any hows, whys or suggestions as to how to go about fixing this without losing the stuff on my tablet? If there is no other choice, how do I go about resetting it, and will there be a way to retrieve my info, downloads, etc? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.