World's Most Powerful Android Tablet for Developers; Only $1,300.00


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

If you are a budding Android developer and want to test your newest idea on the most powerful Android device currently available, it will only cost you $1300 bucks. Certainly this price is pretty high, but you get some serious power for that dough. Here's the skinny on the Qualcomm developer SDK tasblet:
  • Qualcomm’s latest S4 Snapdragon quad-core processor running at 1.5GHz
  • Adreno 320 GPU
  • 10-inch 720p display
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • 32GB of storage
  • Currently runs Android 4.0.4
According to reports, this tablet has been benchmarked, and it's no surprise, it really is the most powerful tablet (available) on the planet. What do you guys think? Too pricey or very reasonable for the chance to test your stuff on the best hardware?

Source: WebProNews
You'd think that since it's for developers, they'd include full HD... WAY OVERPRICED!!!
Price is laughable.

Aimed at a developer is even more of a joke. A developer should never develop for highest end device.