Amazon App Store - Good for the Android Ecosystem?


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

To say that the Android Market could be improved would be an understatement. A number of App-Assistance sites have sprung up to fill the hole that Google has been unable to fill: Clean interface, Information you need, Screenshots, Ratings, etc.

But they all live a little to be desired as well. That's where Amazon is hoping to have an impact on the market. They seem to think they can develop and administer an App store that will change the buying experience. And at the same time, I'm sure they are hoping to improve upon the Android experience to stick it to Apple just a bit and keep the competing iPad from becoming a threat to their digital book sales at the same time.

So, will this be a Win/Win for both Android and Amazon? Let's hope so... and just to sweeten the pot a little bit more, Business Insider has a few points as to WHY this might be a match made in heaven for everyone involved.

  • Amazon has a great software backend, they should be able to improve Application Discovery easily.
  • Amazon accepts payments in more countries then Google. A problem that has kept Google from opening up the market to other countries and has (some speculate) increased piracy.
  • Amazon has a great website to promote Apps on. Lots of eyeballs.
  • Amazon has the ability to set their own rules, so possibly no 24 hour return.
  • Amazon has incentive to make sure that only quality products show up in their market. Money. They get nothing for supporting free apps, while Google does. So quality should be much higher.
I'm very excited to see what Amazon has cooking for this app store. What are your feelings? Looking forward to it or think it's a bad idea? Let us know!
Great idea. But Amazon is as limited as Android market in terms of international reach. This is a good start.
I would love to see amazon and google work together. cmon android market, get your act together! i want more apps! Hopefully those recent changes to the apple app store requirements will have an effect on the number of apps made for android. i'm hoping other developers will see it as pointless to develop an app that might not even be approved.
I would love to see amazon and google work together. cmon android market, get your act together! i want more apps! Hopefully those recent changes to the apple app store requirements will have an effect on the number of apps made for android. i'm hoping other developers will see it as pointless to develop an app that might not even be approved.

I agree. I think it would be a great benefit for consumers for two big names like Google and Amazon to team up. I hope they do and beat out the Apple App market...or whatever the heck it's called!

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But international reach really isn't very important for those who live in the U.S., so it should not be a factor.