Android M Release Time, Internal Code-name & Other Details Revealed


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Get ready for this folks... Android M's internal codename is rather unwieldy... Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC). Of course, sometimes the internal codename for Android doesn't end up mirroring the retail marketing name that the OS is finally dubbed, so it is entirely possible that name will change.

Really though, as Shakespeare's own Juliet once queried... "What's in a name?" For most Android fans, what matters is what the OS can do for us, not whatever marketing slogan adorns its cover. Luckily, we have a few hints regarding that for you today as well, including the release timeframe, which is probably sometime in August. On top of that, Android M will supposedly be more memory and energy-efficient. Here's a quote with a few more details,

Google wants to cut location check-ins when possible, and reduce RAM usage as well by further limiting activity when a device’s screen is off. These moves should fix RAM issues on certain devices and improve battery life at the same time. Google will reportedly explain the new performance improvements in greater detail at Google I/O.

A developer preview of Android M will be available for testing after I/O, just like Android Lollipop last year. The final release date for Android M is now said to be sometime in August, which would be much earlier than Google’s usual fall launches for major Android updates.

What do you guys and gals think?

Source: BGR (1) & (2)