android sucks

Sorry to hear that.....can you return your? tablet? I promise you, there are great, not sucking Androids tablets out there....

Samsung Galaxy Note
Not to mention the touchscreen is made by a hardware OEM and not by Google who makes the OS.

That is like saying Windows sucks because you got a laptop from Dell that has a bad keyboard.
Not to mention the touchscreen is made by a hardware OEM and not by Google who makes the OS.

That is like saying Windows sucks because you got a laptop from Dell that has a bad keyboard.

Yeah, but windows does kind af suck anyway....

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
LOL. I agree, OS X is way ahead of Windows. That is why my personal laptop is a MacBook Pro.
what kind of tablet do you have, is it a high end one, or a cheap one? Dont blame android for your broken screen. Learn to be careful.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Don't we all looooove our Android tablets!!!!!!
Dangerous to post such statements on an Android forum!!:)

Samsung Galaxy Note
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