Android tablet maintenance/cleaning


Sep 15, 2011
I'm used to windows PCs where you need to clear out the useless files and registry from time to time.

I have limited experience with apple's which more or less take care of themselves.

Being new to an android tablet is there any routine maintenance i need to do to keep it efficient? or any apps i should look into? other than shutting it down once in a while

I'm a noob to android forgive me
Not that I know of.. hmm good thought though. It would make sense..

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The recent versions of Android do a pretty good job of taking care of themselves.
If you are rooted, there are applications that do a decent job of clearing temporary files.
You also might look into memory optimization & task killer apps, too.

Even if your device has 1GB of RAM, it is still advised to manage that space since many Anroid apps have no "off" switch even if you exit out of them. For example, you could quit a few apps, but they would still be running in the background taking up space and cpu cycles.

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