Archos is Teasing Their Next Tablet the Gen10 xs; Will Launch in a Few Weeks


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

It looks like the little third party Android tablet manufacturer, Archos is getting ready to launch a new tablet in the next three weeks. They shared a teaser pic of it on their Facebook page. It's called the Gen10 xs, and from what we know already, it will be a "Transformer-like" device. Here's a few details,
  • Android 4.0
  • A microSD & mini-HDMI
  • A connector for that Eee Pad Transformer-style keyboard dock
With so few details we will have to reserve judgement for now. It's interesting that they are borrowing the "Transformer-dock" idea from Asus, but not surprising. We will probably see several manufacturers adopt this strategy over time. Regardless, Archos is known for making affordable tablets, so we will keep our eye on this one.

For more discussions, be sure to check out the new dedicated forum: Archos Gen10 XS

Source: Facebook - Archos