Barnes & Noble opens up development for Nook-specific applications


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2010
interesting read here:

An e-mail just dropped from Barnes & Noble, bringing details of its upcoming wave of new applications. First off, devs are now able to register and start submitting apps at The usual revenue split is present -- 70 percent to the developer, 30 percent to BN. There will be free and paid apps, and -- wait for it -- free trials. Apps will need approval from BN before being released to the public.

In addition, developers will have:

Access to “Developer Mode” services, which will enable adb (Android Debugging Bridge) access on NOOK Color to facilitate application development and debugging
Public and private interaction with other developers and NOOK App Developer technical experts
Early access to development tools, APIs, resources and services
An app review/acceptance process that will follow the company’s content acceptance policies as with books to ensure the content is appropriate for the Barnes & Noble customer
We're still awaiting that major framework update, but it's coming. Looks like big things are still ahead for the Nook Color. Full text of the e-mail from BN is after the break, and be sure to swing by our Nook Color forums.

Wanted to share the news that Barnes & Noble is announcing the next phase of its NOOK Developer program, introducing a new suite of tools and services that will help developers accelerate the delivery and distribution of their apps on Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Color eReading platform. The company is also opening application submission for qualified third-party developers and content providers.

As you will recall, Barnes & Noble launched NOOK Developer last fall to work with developers and content providers to extend the value of the NOOK Color Reader’s Tablet, with a focus on delivering reading-centric applications to customers – apps that enrich and extend the reading experience. Barnes & Noble has also announced plans for a major update to the NOOK Color firmware this Spring which will offer customers the first new apps to discover and enjoy, along with email and other requested features. New apps will be added regularly for customers to explore and easily download. NOOK Color customers – enthusiastic about expanding what they can do on the highly acclaimed, bestselling device – will find rich, immersive and vivid paid and free apps that are specifically optimized for NOOK Color.

Barnes & Noble is providing qualified developers access to a variety of tools and resources to accelerate the development of their apps including:

Access to “Developer Mode” services, which will enable adb (Android Debugging Bridge) access on NOOK Color to facilitate application development and debugging
Public and private interaction with other developers and NOOK App Developer technical experts
Early access to development tools, APIs, resources and services
An app review/acceptance process that will follow the company’s content acceptance policies as with books to ensure the content is appropriate for the Barnes & Noble customer

Developers are invited to join and qualify to submit their applications by visiting There is no program fee for developers to participate in the NOOK Developer program. Developers who qualify will be able to submit paid and free apps and will receive 70% of any paid app purchased by Barnes & Noble customers. Developers also have the option to offer free trials to NOOK Color users.

Claudia Romanini, Director of Developer Relations at Barnes & offers the following statement related to today’s NOOK Developer update: “We are thrilled with the strong response to NOOK Developer thus far. We’re excited to see our eReading ecosystem grow with new engaging content and applications that our millions of customers can discover through unmatched merchandising opportunities on the NOOK Color Reader’s Tablet, on Barnes & one of the world’s leading eCommerce Web sites, and through our large footprint of more than 1,300 retail and college bookstores, beginning this Spring.”

original article here: Barnes & Noble opens up development for Nook-specific applications | Android Central
I find this particularly interesting insider's terminology "NOOK Color Reader’s Tablet".
Today we are happy to share some exciting news with you. We are happy to announce that we have heard your feedback and that the NOOK Developer team is introducing new services and resources designed to accelerate the deployment of your applications for NOOK Color.

As we have previously stated, we want to work with you to extend the value of the NOOK Color Reader’s Tablet, with a focus on delivering reading-centric applications to customers – apps that enrich and extend the reading experience. We have also announced plans for a major update to the NOOK Color firmware this Spring which will offer customers the first new apps to discover and enjoy, along with email and other requested features.

You can now qualify to distribute your apps to millions of Barnes & Noble customers – enthusiastic about expanding what they can do on the highly acclaimed, bestselling device — finding rich, immersion and vivid paid and free apps that are specifically optimized for NOOK Color.

When you qualify, you will be provided with:

  • Exclusive access to an expanded set of development resources to facilitate your app deployment – including access to “developer mode” for your NOOK Color, app signing tools and access to private forums and support resources

  • Ability to submit your app for distribution through the Barnes & Noble storefront

  • The opportunity for your app to be showcased and merchandised on-device, online and in more than 1,300 retail locations across the country
Click here to become a NOOK App Developer
Note – you must be registered as a NOOK Developer in order to apply.

In addition, we have also made other important improvements to NOOK Developer - including streamlined navigation and an integrated support and knowledge base module for you all to share ideas and information. Over the next several days we will be sharing more detailed information but for now please sign into the portal, learn how to become a NOOK App Developer and see the differences we have made for you.

Thank You!

Ted Patrick
The NOOK Developer Team
NOOK App Developer - Support
Yeah this is really all kinds of cool. I wonder most specifically if this is to further development on the current hardware, prepare exclusive apps for future hardware, or a little bit of both. Those of you in the know will keep us posted but with rumors of an Amazon tablet and the addition of the Appstore this is all kinds of exciting for us users. Competition is good, gotta love a free market of runaway technology. This is the kind of stuff that gets me going.

Now that I am (finally) working again I think I am going to save my pennies for a second NC- so I can keep my current setup, try out the official B&N 2.2 update and have one to develop on once I get cracking on learning how to code.

While I am sure you have all heard this a thousand times but I have a business plan all sussed out based on an enterprise app that doesn't exist. I have discussed my ideas with people intimately involved with said enterprise(Food & Beverage) who have fallen all over themselves when I give them the outline. I have since I joined this forum hoped that I may eventually connect with a dev who can bring my ideas to fruition. If anyone knows an app dev with a bit of time and lots of skill have them hit me up. Funding could be available as early as next fall.

Sorry for the ramble and thanks again for the post AT, you have been an absolute fountain of interesting info of late.
Hi localStain for devs you can try Hi LocalStain you can try freelance android developer - open projects
basically it is a pool of devs from around the globe (lots of programmers from russia, india, etc ----meaning affordable) that can bid on your project - they are typically college students or programmers looking to supplement thier income. i haven't used them directly but have a couple of friends that had iphone apps developed through here

Yeah this is really all kinds of cool. I wonder most specifically if this is to further development on the current hardware, prepare exclusive apps for future hardware, or a little bit of both. Those of you in the know will keep us posted but with rumors of an Amazon tablet and the addition of the Appstore this is all kinds of exciting for us users. Competition is good, gotta love a free market of runaway technology. This is the kind of stuff that gets me going.

Now that I am (finally) working again I think I am going to save my pennies for a second NC- so I can keep my current setup, try out the official B&N 2.2 update and have one to develop on once I get cracking on learning how to code.

While I am sure you have all heard this a thousand times but I have a business plan all sussed out based on an enterprise app that doesn't exist. I have discussed my ideas with people intimately involved with said enterprise(Food & Beverage) who have fallen all over themselves when I give them the outline. I have since I joined this forum hoped that I may eventually connect with a dev who can bring my ideas to fruition. If anyone knows an app dev with a bit of time and lots of skill have them hit me up. Funding could be available as early as next fall.

Sorry for the ramble and thanks again for the post AT, you have been an absolute fountain of interesting info of late.
Now that I am (finally) working again I think I am going to save my pennies for a second NC- so I can keep my current setup, try out the official B&N 2.2 update and have one to develop on once I get cracking on learning how to code.

If you look at the Nook SDK, it's SDK 2.1. It appears that the upcoming update is just eclair with the BN app store.

"What version of Android is supported for development?
Simon Walker
posted this on Apr-06 18:43

Your application should be optimized for Google Android SDK Platform 2.1 API 7"

I am bummed out...
If you look at the Nook SDK, it's SDK 2.1. It appears that the upcoming update is just eclair with the BN app store.

"What version of Android is supported for development?
Simon Walker
posted this on Apr-06 18:43

Your application should be optimized for Google Android SDK Platform 2.1 API 7"

I am bummed out...

It's a start. I am going to hold out until the update is public and see what happens...

I'll admit I am a little bummed too but, well,

baby steps my friend baby steps.
The new update will be android 2.2, for 2.1 can not support flash.

It ain't going to be 2.2. Flash has been removed even from the HSN announcement. One developer asked in the NOOKDEV about flash and BN was silent. Time will tell.
It ain't going to be 2.2. Flash has been removed even from the HSN announcement. One developer asked in the NOOKDEV about flash and BN was silent. Time will tell.

We shall see. A lot of misinformation has been floating around for months now. welcome to the forum.
Thanks... I do apologize for bring bad news. Again, I hope my facts are right but my conclusions are wrong.

This info doesn't look confirmed so I hesitate to call it news and it wold only be bad news to those who don't wish to root. Many of use are well past android 2.2 at this point. The disappointment if any comes from some rooted Nook Color owners wish to get the stock NC reader back on our units. Moving away from the stock B&N software, we loose this ability. For most, this is no big deal but some of use do miss the stock reader since it is very good for highlights, bookmarking and searches. Also as I said a post or two back, there has been loads of misinformation floating around about a possible android 2.2 update. We are pretty use to the info being wrong since a 2.2 update speculation has been surfacing since December 2010.
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