Can Anyone Help Me???

I have this tablet and have been able to add the Play Store, Google apps. I also over/underclocked. It also bugged me the screen resolution was set too high that tablet optimized apps didn't work. So I added a build.prop tweak to get the tablet looking like it should. All the files needed and a tutorial are here:

EDIT: Just noticed that on 10/22 the D2 website uploaded a full firmware for us to flash. This is good news. Means we should be able to try a bunch of hacks on this without fear of killing it. I will try to get CWR working soon. Then some kind of CM10 rom.

I took my D2 back to Big Lots and got a new one because the old one had some wifi issues. Instead of using the method I posted to install google play I tried installing the drivers and then running the script. It worked well except the script Runme has a bug in it, it can not find the file build.prop to change the appearance of the icons etc.

The line:
adb push "ICS\build.prop" /system
needs to be changed to
adb push "build.prop" /system
or build.prop must be copied to ICS directory.
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What are the S/N of the tablets D201208Bxxxxx. or D201209Bxxxxx they seem interesting.
I'm not sure what the differences are, I failed to note the serial number of the unit I returned but the new unti which works well so far has D201209Bxxxxx range serial number.

I'm not sure what the differences are, I failed to note the serial number of the unit I returned but the new until which works well so far has D201209Bxxxxx range serial number.

The drivers for the firmware update will be different than the USB drivers. Chances are it's just the computer. Was the computer recognizing the tablet going into flash mode at all?

It was the comp. my laptop worked havnt updated the firmware. but ran the files you posted and added the build prop and the D2 is running slick. thanks alot
erron, thanks for all the info, I can now connect my pc to the D2 which I could not do before, I was using adbwireless which worked well but I prefer to be able to use USB and not wifi.

After I ran the script I noticed that I was getting errors that popped up and disappeared ... 'unfortunately process has stopped'. I am not sure why .. a lot of the files seem old and for 4.0.3? I am not that knowledgeable to know exactly what's going on but I did a factory restore and used the method I posted earlier which was created for a Visual Land Prestige and has files for 4.0.4.

That not only helped the error go away but calendar and maps found my google account which the Polaroid PMID701 script you supplied didn't and google voice works as well.

I am sorry I overwrote my build.prop and just didn't add the lines necessary for the screen resolution because I am not sure what else is incorrect in that build.prop

Can anyone send please me their build.prop file? The default.prop file is very short and there may be an original build.prop somewhere but I am not sure where.
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I purposely disabled the build.prop change in the bat file because some people may prefer the larger format. That's why I added the instruction lower down in the readme.

Progress: Have CWR 6.1 booting but it pretty much kills the tablet to need a firmware reinstall to get back working. Still trying...
erron, thanks for all the info, I can now connect my pc to the D2 which I could not do before, I was using adbwireless which worked well but I prefer to be able to use USB and not wifi.

After I ran the script I noticed that I was getting errors that popped up and disappeared ... 'unfortunately process has stopped'. I am not sure why .. a lot of the files seem old and for 4.0.3? I am not that knowledgeable to know exactly what's going on but I did a factory restore and used the method I posted earlier which was created for a Visual Land Prestige and has files for 4.0.4.

That not only helped the error go away but calendar and maps found my google account which the Polaroid PMID701 script you supplied didn't and google voice works as well.

I am sorry I overwrote my build.prop and just didn't add the lines necessary for the screen resolution because I am not sure what else is incorrect in that build.prop

Can anyone send please me their build.prop file? The default.prop file is very short and there may be an original build.prop somewhere but I am not sure where.

I included the modified build.prop in my file. If you want it back to stock, just remove the line of code with the density of 120
I installed the updated ROM from the DII website and it overwrites EVERYTHING (using their suggested way which does a format) .... luckily it installed the original build.prop, I will add the line for the density to it. I ran the script I posted earlier for installing google play and also the files for google voice etc., erron it would be great if you can get CWR working, good luck with it. I'm really liking this tablet, it's really a steal for $79.
Knight79 said:
Erron So i have tried to update firmware but cant get the drivers to load and doesnt work manually and have tired your drivers also. I tried to run the file in the diablotek fixer but still doesent recognize the device. when i get home tonight i will try the manual method in your readme. I have even downloaded the firmware 4 times still no go. if you have any ideas let me know please. it may just be this comp. I have put in a ticket with support wait int to see what they say. Win 7 amd my d2pad is the 08 model

I believe the issue is that there are no x64 drivers included in the firmware package. My firmware upgrade attempt failed on my Windows 7 x64 machine. I tried again on a Windows XP x86 machine and it worked perfectly.
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I believe the issue is that there are no x64 drivers included in the firmware package. My firmware upgrade attempt failed on my Windows 7 x64 machine. I tried again on a Windows XP x86 machine and it worked perfectly.

Thanks for the info I will try that.
I have run the script and now have my tablet working great with gapps. My only question is has anyone got flash to work? it came preinstalled and did not work in the default browser. I installed firefox and chrome AND flash content would not load. I then uninstalled the app and installed the most current one for my device and still did not work. Any suggestions? also You must install the drivers on a 32 bit machine. 64 bit xp and 7 will not work. not sure about vista or windows 8.
I believe the issue is that there are no x64 drivers included in the firmware package. My firmware upgrade attempt failed on my Windows 7 x64 machine. I tried again on a Windows XP x86 machine and it worked perfectly.

...i was able to have the device recognized and x64 drivers installed when i ran the 1.07 version of LiveSuit... Win7 complains about the drivers not being properly signed, but what else is new...
arnoldmm54 said:
I'm not sure what the differences are, I failed to note the serial number of the unit I returned but the new until which works well so far has D201209Bxxxxx range serial number.

Thanks I downloaded the update, extracted the system and installed on my Coby 7042. The update contains a lot of games, also it contains a working nexflix.

Most likely you can use my 7042 cw recovery might need just an sdcard change.

OK based on the update, I built a cw recovery for this tablet

to install is just like any other a10

download zip extract

must be rooted

adb remount

adb push recovery.img /data/local/tmp/recovery.img

adb push /data/local/tmp/

adb push reboot-recovery /system/bin/reboot-recovery

adb shell

chmod 775 /system/bin/reboot-recovery

chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/



Or you can use a file manger with root privileges, and copy the files where they need to go and set permissions on them, once you have done that.

then install a terminal from market.



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