fly touch2


Dec 27, 2010
i got a fly touch2 for xmas..i had to change it over from chinese to english.. on the main screen it has the time and weather, but it is in cel. instead of fren. how do i change it to fren. thank you. tammy
Tammy, one of the moderators should be able to help try Xuaeious (unsure if that's the correct spelling), has been a great help to me. Good luck there are heaps of techy ppl on here shouldn't take long to get a better answer than I can give atm. Happy New Year!
Since this has been bumped already...

Tap/click on the weather panel. It will open the settings screen where all that can be changed (location, F/C, update frequency).

Press OK and it will keep it, tho it takes a little while to set to your changes when starting up.

You can also force an immediate update by doing this and just hitting OK... (network connection required, of course!)
