flytouch superpad 3 Disco Model. no wifi or ethernet


Nov 24, 2011
Hi there, I am new to the tablet world and just bought a supposed flytouch 3 superpad with android 2.1/2.2 It is a Disco Model. I went to my father in laws house and hooked directly up to his ethernet cable and tried to make a google account. The tablet showed that I had ethernet and wifi full connection with strong signal but after a bit of trying to set up the account it came back with a message about not having a reliable connection. I have tried this in 3 seperate locations and even had a verizon tech support worker try to connect the tablet. Is it a faulty tablet? Is there an easy repair?

If I get it working I hope to be able to connect my cricket wireless modem up to the usb port so that I can get on the net at home. Is there an app I can download to make that work with the tablet.

Please let me know what I should do with this overpriced picture frame.