Frozen AMLogic Screen


Aug 9, 2011
Hi all,
My wife just purchased an AMLogic Based iRobot A907 Cortex-A9 Mali GPU Android Tablet (Android 2.2, AMLOGIC AML8726-M, ARM Cortex A9, 800Mhz+200MhzDSP+400MhzGPU1.4Ghz) and after two weeks of use it froze on the second startup screen “@Mlogic” and will not complete the boot up. I have searched the Forums here for four days now to find Firmware to download to my SD card but have not found any answers. On another site ( I found what was stated to be “New Firmware”. Did the download, viewed with WinRAR, unpacked and installed a folder and a file as directed. Still the same frozen “@Mlogic” screen.
Has anyone found firmware for this unit or a fix for this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Since my wife considers me the IT expert you can imagine what I am going through. Thanks----Len :(