Gingerbread Development

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Nov 25, 2010
I will update this thread when I wake up later today, I need to sleep and I am doing this quickly....

There is no point to do any of this here unless your a developer, if you want to test which is very much needed just wait until tomorrow because I shall keep nightly build downloads on here.

As long as you have repo tool installed, you only need to do
repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread

If you have cm7 gingerbread pulled, then copy the folder elsewhere and before doing repo init, delete the following folders from .repo folder (turn on view hidden files on the file manager your using): manifests, manifests.git, manifests.xml and the project.list
Then just do the repo command above.

After doing repo init, you have to do repo sync -j16.

Done. You now have the full androidtablets repo, if there are issues im sorry, first time I do such a setup and I've used git but not with such project setups.
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