Good chinese Tablet That Can Boot Win 7 0R 8


Jul 4, 2013
Hi,sorry if i have posted in the wrong section but i have been looking all over the net for the last couple of weeks trying to find a good 10" tablet that will boot windows 7 or 8,would be a bonus if it could dual boot android as well.
There are so many tablets out there just dont know which one is any good,can someone advise me of a good chinese clone or one that will support windows or and 3g built in as well i would be very greatfull for your advice


Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
Forget about dual booting Android and Windows 8. Windows RT doesn't support dual boot, and Android doesn't have drivers for Surface Pro tablets which may support dual boot.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2012
Hi,sorry if i have posted in the wrong section but i have been looking all over the net for the last couple of weeks trying to find a good 10" tablet that will boot windows 7 or 8,would be a bonus if it could dual boot android as well.
There are so many tablets out there just dont know which one is any good,can someone advise me of a good chinese clone or one that will support windows or and 3g built in as well i would be very greatfull for your advice

Hello, mackie123.

Welcome to the Forum.

Traveller 1701 is absolutely right. You won't find what you're looking for in the traditional 7 to 10 inch tablet world, right now. However, if you're OK with a 13.3 inch screen, Samsung launched a tablet cum laptop hybrid last month with Android and Windows 8 dual-boot support. It believes it's solved the Win8/Android conundrum : stuff 'em both in one device. The Samsung Ativ Q convertible tablet comes with both Windows 8 and Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 operating systems onboard, giving users the option to choose which OS to boot into. It also gives you the ability to pin an Android application to the Windows 8 start screen, providing some kind of integration between the two operating systems.

Cheers, mate.