Gpad G10 4GB Aluminum - Just arrived today


Nov 21, 2010
Ordered the gpad on the 16th of November from Pandawill, so the shipping was pretty reasonable.Turned on the tablet and it started up quickly. Connected to my wifi network just fine and seems to connect all over the house. Also got it connected to my wifi at work fine.

The UI is very responsive and the screen is nice and bright. Also the touch input is good. Not gonna compare to capacitive touch like on my Droid X, however for a resistive touch it's very good.
Checked and i got kernel# 301 which i believe is the latest.

Issues so far:

Market, lets me create an account but can't connect to server when loading terms of agreement
Email, cannot connect to server when trying to log in with my AOL account, however the gmail app and browser are working fine
Force closes, had a couple of force closes when adjusting wifi settings, launching the maps app, and setting up email. I've had to restart a couple of times
Build quality, isn't that fantastic, there is a point in the corner of the device where it looks like the screen is lifting up from the main frame. Also something is rattling inside.

First impressions are mixed. It's a decent device, especially for only $155. However some software issues and the rattling inside have left me a little disappointed.
I'm gonna see if i can sideload a new market app if that doesn't work I'll reflash the firmware and see if that helps any.

I'll upload some video and photos once i get a chance to spend some more time with it
As for the market issue, try clearing the market cache in Manage Applications and see if that fixes it...

As for the e-mail issues, check around online and see if there are any POP3/SMTP or IMAP settings you need to manually set up your AOL account. Prior to there being a Yahoo mail app, you had to find the IMAP server settings somewhere on the web (not posted by Yahoo because it's a premium feature) and "sideload" your Yahoo e-mail...When I first set up my ISP e-mail on my tablet, it didn't auto-configure so I had to manually put in the incoming POP3 server settings and the outgoing SMTP server'll also have to play around with whether or not it requires SSL authentication (the checkbox on the manual setup screen)
alright so i'm officially returning this.
Got home and noticed 2 cracks in the screen once i peeled off the protective plastic. One in the bottom corner where the screen was lifting, and another on the opposite side. Also the screen has lifted up even more than it was and the touch screen is now unusable.




Hi Friends,

I got my G10 4GB upgraded aluminum one, couple of days back and it was working fine. But, today suddenly, none of the buttons like the power button, back and menu buttons are not working. But, the touch screen and all works fine. Is there anything that holds these buttons? Request your help with this as I am unable to shutdown my g10.