Hello Everyone, Can I Get Some Help


Mar 5, 2012
New to these forums. Heard it's the best place to get help for my tablet. I have a Boss Electronics 2182 7" tablet with a wmt2.1.2_105 android os. Recently it started acting up. It gets to where the screen says loading the for a brief second I see it load then instantly goes into shut down. I have no idea what could be wrong. Can someone help?
Thanks in advance
Hi Blazingtechs, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you're having problems with the tablet. I see from your other post you've already found the correct place to get help for it. Hopefully, someone familiar with that tablet will come along over there and help you out. Good luck!
blazingtecs had also posted his question in the Q&A section of the forum and I told him that was the best place to ask for help with that tablet. Unfortunately, as you've already found out, no one replied to his question. Now that you've posted there and brought the thread back to life, maybe someone who didn't see it the first time around will reply and try to help you out. I hope that's the case. A Google search for your tablet leads back to this forum, and a forum search leads to the threads here that you've already posted to. If you can contact the manufacturer, that's about your only other option.
Welcome to the site. Also hope that problem is resolved for both.