Hi everyone, hoping you can save my tablet


Apr 28, 2011
Hello everyone,

My name is Vivienne, I've had my tablet for a month now and am having an issue, I've joined in the hopes that someone can help me fix it.

I've previously had issues with my android phone so am fast losing faith in android. Though before my tablet stuffed up I loved it :(

I will put a brief description of it here so that people can point me to the right threads to read but will be posting a full disc in another thread.

I have a Dropad A8 (thats what it says on the box) in the manual it says the chipset is S5pv210 Arm Cortex A8 1.2 Ghz

Basically I cant get it to start up.

Anyway, thank you for reading, look forward to interacting with you all.