Hi, Finally a Forum All About Android Tablets (Nice)


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2014
Hi every one.

I always loved Android Tablets, my first one was 3 years ago a galaxy tab 2. Then a couple month later a Asus tf 300 then a couple month later a tf701. I had to sold it (omg) but brought another one something like 7 month after that (heavy regrets) and felt the power of the tf701t in my ands once aggain (dope).

Then I tried the 8 inches tabs witch I loved the mobility factor right away,
first with a smt310 (great tablet nice price / quality ratio) , after that, I tried a nexus 7 (first gen 2013), only for half a month: I was so disappointed by this tablet that I sold it back only after a couple of weeks.
Then I waited ≈ 4 month and got myself a Nvidia Shield Tablet WiFi version. I used it for 1 month now and I really like her. I discoverd her limits recently
But honestly this tablet packs a lot of power, in part thanks to the new tegra k1 chip... You should look a this tablet closer she is really nice, trust me.

Otherwise I'm 26 and i'm French (no I am not hairy and yes we have running water in my town). English is not my native language, please forgive me if I make mistakes on words.

I love creating themes for most of them on tablets using an alernative launcher called Lightning Launcher (hard to use at first but offers a lot)
I will try to attach a screenshot of my last one to this post.
Thanks you for reading me !



The white and chrome icons opens folder with app's labels only (the Gothic font) these are displayed inside a panel that slide horizontally. Same. Thing for the one displaying games (with the controller image)
Maybe if you ave a tread on home screen I could post a short video capture of it ?
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Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi WILandroid, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Christine, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. the forum for asking questions is here Android Tablet Q&A.