Hi, people! Noob from Brazil!

void Indigo

Apr 1, 2011

I found this site a while ago, while browsing for info in the tablet world. Let me tell you, quoting Michael Jackson: "This is IT!". Amazing site! Congratulations to all!

I recently got my Kyros 7024, and I'm still getting my bearings with it. I already know what to do with it, have lots of posts stored for reference. Expect a few (read, a LOT ;)) questions from now on.

I am really excited with this new tablet technology, and hope to contribute with something (I'm computer literate, sort of ;)). Watch out, Zuckerberg!

Anyone who wishes to chat, tell a good joke or hang out, please, feel free to count me in! I may even dare to help people around.

Well, that's it. Good bye and good luck!

Best regards,

void Indigo
Welcome to the Forum, and congrats on your purchase. We have a very active sub-forum for your tablet, so hopefully you will find plenty of info there!

Cheers, and glad to have you!