Home Wifi can't detect Galaxy Tab


May 11, 2011
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P1000. Does anyone know why I am not able to detect my home WIFI? I can detect my neighbours WIFI, but not my own. All my other appliances (iPad, iPhone, desktop, notebook, Samsung Wave phone) can detect, just this Galaxy Tab couldn't.

My WIFI is not SSID hidden. When my friends come over, their devices can detect my WIFI. Also, when I bring my Galaxy Tab to elsewhere, I can easily detect other WIFI networks and surf with no issue. Its just at home that I can't get it to work. I am really stumped, because I know my WIFI setting is ok, and the Galaxy Tab is functioning ok. Any idea why? :confused:

Please help, thanks! :D
it is possible that your devices are on different bands (tab on g and router on n) or something similar. Have you checked that?
it is possible that your devices are on different bands (tab on g and router on n) or something similar. Have you checked that?

Thanks for your reply. I don't think its a band issue because different bands can interoperate. Wi-Fi Alliance: Discover and Learn

Its also not the IP loop issue regarding static and dynamic IP. My Galaxy Tab can't even detect my home WIFI.
I did a reset on the DLink router. Did not set an SSID and WEP key. Hence it was open to all connections, and the Galaxy Tab detected the router. But the moment I set an SSID and WEP key, it could not detect the router again. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Thanks for the help guys. I upgraded the firmware on my DLink router, and my Galaxy Tab can detect it now. :)