how do i get music onto my tablet????!!! HELP


Feb 11, 2012
SOMEONE HELP!! i have had my tablet 2.1 since christmas morning .... it only has a wall chrager so it cant go into my computer to download music so how do i get music. I have tryed free music apps but none have worked yet :( ....
TRY downloading files directly onto your tablet. Btw this isn't a dating site.

Sent from my Full Android on S5PV210
See if you can find a cute boy to do it for you.
yea your so funny. maybe it is my right to put on here what i want, its not like i am gonna find my husband and my baby daddy off of
It is difficult to help you without knowing a little more about your Tablet.

Deos it have a USB port or a Micro SD slot?
oh it is an android e-pad

Is it an ASUS eepad? What is the best model?

Sent from my A200 using Tapatalk

Edit--- I didn't mean to type what is the best model. That keyboard app I use assumes what I want to say and inserts it and I didn't check it. I meant to say what is the model? Are you sure the power adapter does not have a USB connection?
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Try going on the internet and downloading directly? e.i.
If not that, then take the top off of your charger, plug it into your computer and the other side on your phone, and transfer. If you can't find the android directly, then get adb.
From the command line, use
adb install WinterWrapUp.mp3
If you can't do that, then get an adb wireless app, and then get adb on your computer.
It should look something like
adb connect phoneipaddressgoeshere:5555
adb install WinterWrapUp.mp3
If none of that works, then, well, I have no idea.
Oh, and get a sd card adapter, plug your sd card into that, plug the adapter into your computer, put music on it, take the sd card out of the adapter and put it in your phone. Not free, but atleast it is guaranteed to work.
Well if there is a place for a memory card you are in a good spot. Buy a Micro SD card if you don't have one. they are fairly cheap. If your music is on your Computer you will first have to connect the SD Card to your computer. Most computers does not have a slot for Micro SD cards so you either have to buy an adapter or you can use another device to read the card on your computer. If you have a 3G Modem you can use this. Read here how: Frequently Asked Questions

After you have connected your SD card to your computer you save the music you want to transfer to the SD card and plug the card into your tablet. Open your favorite player and you should be up and running.