Just picked up a xoom to campare to my ipad 2 and galaxy tab........Fail!


Sep 2, 2010
OK...I had to try one of these....I had ipad 1, galaxy tab, and currently have Ipad 2....I really liked my galaxy tab but web browsing,scrolling,typing was choppy but had a awsome screen....I just got back from staples with xoom and I must say....it's horrible...The screed is awfull .. The choppiness is still there....I just hope the galaxy 10.1 gets this stuff fixed as I really want a android tablet as main tablet but not going to happen now! Ipad 2 will remain sadly enough.

I Don't have the choppy issue on my vibrant must be the stretching to fill screen...cause honeycomb didn't fix it?
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Not surprised actually. The screen is probably THE big reason why I am not getting it. Being laggy etc can be fixed with firmware.
It's built nice and durable but no idea why they put a screen that is only slightly better than that cheap sylvania tab..It has no blemishes no dead pixels..built nice not as heavy or thick as I thought it would be but the lcd in this thing is like old school lcd's.To me the screen is very important...It's what your always looking at.....big mistake....The galaxy tab has a lovely bright color popping screen.
I don't see what you mean about the screen being laggy. I haven't experienced any lagging at all on the device. From browsing, playing games, watching movies, streaming movies... odd.

I've also played with the Xoom and iPad2 side-by-side and Xoom loads up much quicker than the iPad2 does.... when I was testing it.
Yep no lag here either....... not sure what everyone is complaining about. Funny thing is I have a quad core I7 computer with a 22inch screen and a 108 inch high-def home theater with lossless 7.1 surround sound and I find myself surfing the web and watching movies on my xoom. Now I realize it is partly because this is slightly newer than some of my equipment and new toys are always fun.......but if it was horrible compared to some of my other systems I wouldn't touch it.
I find this intresting in that all the different blogs and forums out there constantly slam the xoom and the android app. I have nothing against Apple's iPad and I believe it is a good device I just personally wanted something with more flexability. Also I have no connection with any of the alternative devices out there. I picked up my Xoom this past Friday and have been using it constantly since then. I have yet to see any of the "Problems / Issues" that are being reported! It is fast, runs video with out flaw and battery life went a good 36 hr (some of it in standby) before needing plugged back in. This was off the first charge. Once the battery has had a chance to condition itself (usually 2 -3 cycles) I expect even longer times (again, understanding that is based on use).
my xoom is great with a nice fast screen. had an ipad for a fair while too, that was nice enough but itunes/App store and closed platform all sucked as far as I was concerned.
I've commented on the fact (in another thread) that during some xoom forum searches I came across the fact that the lcd panel for the xoom is being produced by two different manufacturers. I don't remember where I read this but it's worth repeating as it explains this near constant complaints/praise from xoom users. One apparently is not surprisingly 'better' than the other. Bad call on Motos part but this could be the main reason for the love/hate... (apart from the trolling),
I have played with all those tabs and have to say I am very happy with my XOOM and dont have any of the issues I hear people slam it for on here. Not even gonna get into it.
I find this interesting in that all the different blogs and forums out there constantly slam the xoom and the android app.

Because it appears that more than half of the "consumer" population is completely indoctrinated into the mantra of "Apple... Apple... Apple" and the other 20% expect the Xoom to be "perfect". That leaves about 20% of well researched consumers who know what they are going to get, and are happy with the purchase.

It's very easy to look at a feature that the iPad* has and say the Xoom fails. I can pick up an old WinMo phone and pick out a feature that the Droid and iPhone doesn't have.. does that mean the Droid and iPhone fail? Of course not...

"Haters love to hate...."
I have had my Xoom since launch and this thing is Awesome! I am not experiencing the problem stated earlier either and the Nvidia chip is humming fast. I pad 2 is nice too but a bit too simple and limited for my taste personally. Flash and 4g potential are the features that pushed me over the edge for Motorola over Apple. I feel like android is no longer competing with apple but that the manufacturers of the many different Android devices are now competing with each other.
I have had my Xoom since launch and this thing is Awesome! I am not experiencing the problem stated earlier either and the Nvidia chip is humming fast. I pad 2 is nice too but a bit too simple and limited for my taste personally. Flash and 4g potential are the features that pushed me over the edge for Motorola over Apple. I feel like android is no longer competing with apple but that the manufacturers of the many different Android devices are now competing with each other.

that's exactly why i've been thinking about giving the blackberry playbook a chance, tired of all the apple this & android that. there all around the same cost at this point.
I'm very happy with my Xoom. My browsing experience is nice and smooth.
However, aside of the asinine power jack configuration, my only gripe hardware wise is about the screen. My wifes iPad1 has a much, much nicer screen.
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