Le Pan tablets?


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
The only way to search is with the words combined as LePan but this thread does not come up in the search.

You're absolutely correct Frank. I've edited my earlier post to read start all new threads with "LePan" in the title. What's really funny is that you made this thread appear in a LePan search when you made your post. If even one post contains LePan, the thread shows up.:cool:


Nov 29, 2011
I finally got my TC970 yesterday. This thing is awesome. Don't have the case yet, and not 100% sure which I will try, maybe one of the Targus will fit it, and I am ordering the Technocel too, I think it will fit and it's well rated, for 8 bucks it's worth a shot. It sucks having to order one and not know if it fits or not.

Straight away, it worked out of the box, and the thing is plenty fast, smooth, and just plain crisp. It feels very solid. I downloaded apps in 5 seconds. My biggest gripe so far about it is the fingerprints - I had heard others say it was a fingerprint magnet in the reviews I read, but I thought they were nitpicking. Honestly, it's a problem. You will want a screen cover on this when you take it from the box...the fingerprints are really, really bad. I got apps from Android Market, Amazon, and a wifi signal app from a friend.
Everything worked except the Netflix app, it asked for Silverlight, then attempted to download it (it got confused I guess and thought it was a Windows. I don't know why.) I lol'd. I haven't gone to check what I need to do to get it to work, but I'll figure it out.
The display is visually striking. The web pages are fast. HD video clear as day. The built in speakers are...meh. Ive heard a lot worse, but we all knew they wouldn't be Bose. The games are smooth. There are a bunch of apps pre-loaded but if you aren't gonna head straight to the app store when you open your new tab, why buy one? Comixology - the comics and graphic novels look better than print does. Kindle app worked straight-away, like everything else.

To answer Zecrow's question...I don't know if this will do video out or not, but in the link above about rooting it, someone who seemed to know what they were talking about said they didn't think so. Also - this is not the same 30pin as the iPad. I read someone had modified the connector with an Xacto knife and got Apple's to fit by shaving off part of the outer edge of the connector, but later someone in the thread asked if it actually worked, or just fit, and got no answer...idk, that's not something I'm likely to try...but I don't have a good reason to do so. Short answer: don't think so.

Overall, with no modifications of any kind, the thing works great out of the box. I will update the firmware today, but until I have a good reason to root or look at other roms, I'm not gonna. It's awesome as it is...plenty for me, for sure.

I absolutely love it and recommend it to anyone...except Zecrow. If you need to do presentations with the HDMI-out feature that other tabs offer and this one doesn't, I'd say get one of those. Other than that, I'm sure it's going to do everything I want it to, and do it well. Once I have the right case it'll be perfect, at least for me.



Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
@ Cus, Glad to hear you're so pleased with the new tablet. Some folks have tried using Rain-X, the automotive windshield product on their screens. They said the fingerprint problem was much improved. Worth a try?:cool:
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Nov 29, 2011
hmmm...thats interesting. I don't think that would have occurred to me. I just read something about wet-wipes damaging touch sensors...I wonder how safe it is. I'll look into it and see what I can find about that. I'd definitely try it if it looks safe, though, cause it's pretty amazing how bad the fingerprints are on this thing.

Overall, though, I am really happy with this thing. I think side-by-side with some much higher priced devices, this one will pretty much hold it's own.


Jun 20, 2011
I also got mine last night. After the overnight charge I started playing with it at work today. It is awesome. I have (had, now that I found Le Pan) a Sylvania 10" Magni-Tablet that gave me heartburn about tablets and Android in general. Well, needless to say the Sylvania will be my daughter's new toy.

The screen is spectacular... video is smooth, games are working, internet surfing is as fast as my computer, wifi is full strength. Downloaded and updated apps. Connected to my computer and transfered a few files. All without a issue. I still need to update the firmware but I wanted to tool around on this thing first.

The only draw back....I ordered this for my wife for Christmas and now I want to keep it. I have a feeling there will be 2 of these on my credit card bill very soon. Absolutely cannot beat the price.

Well, let's all keep in touch....Now that I'm done bragging about this tablet. Let's figure out what we can do to make it even better and help each other out. Accessories, apps, etc.


Dec 1, 2011
I'm another happy Le Pan TC970 owner and I would recommend it with a few slight reservations. I'd go to Amazon.com and read the customer reviews before I made the leap, because the gripes in there I find do hold true for this tablet. It's a fingerprint magnet, slightly heavier than an IPAD, and has an OS originally made for cellular phones (though, don't let this deter you - I'm finding it VERY tablet friendly).

I do have two personal gripes which come up slightly in those reviews as well. For one, with my home WPA secured network, the internet frequently dropped and it gave me a lot of trouble. Doing a fair bit of research, there is evidently a problem with Android Froyo 2.2 which causes it to have some hiccups with some variant of WPA/WPA2 TKIP/AES netoworks, and while some devices have fixes for it, I've yet to find a clear one for the TC970. I fiddled with router security options and couldn't get it to work consistently on any WPA variant, but switched to WEP and it works great. If you're not overly computer savvy, don't worry - with any computer that has a wired connection to a router, this type of change is something even a computer novice (which I'm scarcely more than) can manage. I should note, some people seem to be using their TC970 on WPA networks with no problem, so it is probably router specific, and I haven't had problems at bars and coffee shops that I've been testing.

My second gripe is concerning bluetooth keyboards, and I have made a thread about it:


can't get my Apple bluetooth keyboard to function on my TC970, even after getting it to connect rather easily. According to a very helpful mod, Android Froyo 2.2 is bluetooth keyboard compatible, so it's either a tablet specific problem or just the keyboard. My personal suspicion is that it is keyboard specific, because Apple delights in making hardware that works fine and dandy with their own products, but doesn't work easily with non-Apple products that don't cost a fortune for the privilege of owning...

Overall, I'd give the tablet a big thumbs up, but it isn't for everyone. If the above issues worry you, be wary - if my experience is indicative, you might need to do a little bit of tinkering and research to get it to perform how you want it, but based on what I've heard others say, you also might not. I'd say it's worth the effort, but I won't blow smoke and pretend like it came out of the box seamlessly interfacing with everything I wanted it to.

Edit: Also, one other factor. If you're Canadian like I am, you'll very often find yourself watching the deals across the border with envy whlie we pay 10 to 20% more prior to cross border shipping costs. Ordering this from Amazon on their $169 sale and the free super saver shipping, it came out to under $190 after tax and all fees included. Bought a $10 case from London Drugs and I was using this tablet for half of what I was seeing major retailers selling big brand name tablets for. For a Canuck, I found the price tough to beat.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
Some very nice reviews. Thanks to all who have contributed. I look forward to seeing your Le Pan presence on the forum grow. :)


Nov 29, 2011
Maybe old news to some, but Le Pan added a few accessories to their site that weren't there a couple weeks ago...it's not the style of case I personally want, but when I first started looking there was nothing -at all- in the way of accessories. They also linked some iPad cases. The Targus is about the closest to what I would prefer, but I'm still not sure about them. There's also some called ACME MADE - I could be wrong but it sure does look to me like those will block the camera or light sensor, and I'm not sure if they will block ports as well...I wish Le Pan would make a leather book-style case specifically for this tablet - I get that it's basically the same size as iPad, but it's not arranged the same, right? We can't just say "the iPad cases fit" and go with that, I'm pretty sure.

EDIT: @ AfterShafter: I'm on a WPA2 security network and so far I haven't had any trouble with it, It fired right up and ran fine, but it's only been a few hours of network time so far. I will definitely be on the lookout, though. Did you update the firmware? I haven't yet but plan to tonight.
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Dec 1, 2011
Cool thanks for the help. I think I'm going to go with an Impression 10 though. It has the HDMI out port that will do what I need it to.


Dec 1, 2011
Cus, yeah, I'm getting the impression that for a lot of routers it isn't a problem. For me, the Le Pan actually caused the whole network to stop working after it crashed a few times itself, and I had to unplug the router to get it up and running again.

I've tried to update the firmware from 2.23 to 2.25 (the latest on my router - 2007 and 2009 software respectively) and I'm getting some odd error messages I haven't been able to get past as of yet. So, basic answer is, no, I haven't upgraded the firmware yet, but not for lack of trying. It's an older router too - D-Link DIR-615. I get the feeling my problems are related to my older router, and if I can get the firmware update to go through, it may well solve it. For now, haven't had time to really check it out yet, and switching to WEP seemed like a good quick fix.


Dec 2, 2011
Mine is on the way and should be here by Monday at the latest.

I had been looking at one for a while now and just couldn't get over the fact that there are so many good reviews for this unit and it's price point. Funny thing is that when I tried to order it last night, Tiger was advertising it at $199, but when I put it in my cart it was $299. Going back to the product page the item showed $299. THEY CHANGED THE PRICE WHILE I WAS LOOKING! This, various sellers being out of them at times, and the fact that the item is one of the top 5 selling tablets on Amazon indicates too me that we can expect the price to go back up in time.

Now I'm excited. Off to XDA I go.

EDIT: And now Amazon is out of stock.
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Nov 29, 2011
TigerDirect's cart did that to me too, had it listed at 198 up front but then showed 299 in the back screen. Its a bug. The price is 198. If you can't get it to show up right (I closed & re-opened browser and it fixed) Newegg had it too for the same price, and so did Geekz.



Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Mine is on the way and should be here by Monday at the latest.

Welcome to the forum BDKR and welcome to the Le Pan group. Nice to have you here as a member of Android Tablets.


Nov 27, 2011
And now Amazon is out of stock.

I'm glad you were able to get one ordered and on the way. I ordered mine late evening on Thanksgiving from Amazon...even though it showed out of stock. But I got an email on Saturday giving me a delivery date of the following Wednesday. It arrived as expected.


Dec 3, 2011
Newbie here! Hi Everyone!
I found this while researching the Le Pan TC 970. Just ordered a couple from Amazon.
So has anyone found a keyboard cover that works?