Loading epub documents on an Archos tablet


Oct 17, 2010
I have pre-ordered an Archos 101 (16gb) and am pretending to be patient waiting for its arrival. And yes, this will be my first Android tablet so I'm a novice.

Once I receive it, I have some epub documents that I want to load on it. So I have a couple questions:

1. Do Archos tablets come pre-loaded with an app that will display epub documents? Or do I need to download one from Appslib?

2. How do I copy epub files from my Windows PC to the Archos device so that the reader will find them?

3. I suppose the answer to these next ones will be similar to #1 and #2. Is there a pre-loaded app that will play mp3 files? How do I copy mp3 files to the Archos device so that the player will find them?
I do not know if the tablet comes with a epub viewer but you would be able to put your epubs onto a micro SD card and put it in your tablet. Also, yes it will be able to play MP3's just put them on your micro SD card as well.

Hope that this helps!

Even if it doesn't come with an epub reader I suggest the following: This is all FREE...
Download Calibre onto your computer. Load whatever books you have, including lit, pdf etc
and convert them to epub for the androiod. Copy these files to your SD card

When you get your tablet.
Download Aldiko
Import books, and Voila!!! Simple..
Getting an ePub reader should be no problem. I think I saw a list of preloaded apps for the 101 and I believe it includes one but there is supposed to be a better one in AppsLib.

The light bulb just went on, though, concerning the micro SD card. I kept thinking I had to put files onto the device itself but what you said made me realize that I can put them on a micro-SD card and then stick the card in the tablet and voila, I can open them from there.

Both the 101 and the 70 come with Aldiko preloaded, but the smaller Gen8 devices will need something installed.
my archos 70 came with aldiko - but it was deleted (along w/the other included 3rd party apps) after the 2.2 update & the recommended wipe/reset. got it back (along w/many other new apps) from the android market - which is extremely easy to install...the included music & video apps stay after the update and work very well. clean interface, good sorting, easy to create playlists - and a pretty home-screen widget that lets you control the playback.

aldiko is the best reader - it keeps the title/paragraph formatting, can sort by author/title/tags, and you can change the margins so that none of the text is cut-off by the on-screen keys.

i love my archos! (and i typed this message on it using ultra keyboard! - but i've ordered a keyboard case from euogo that should arrive soon)