Looking for gps software


Dec 3, 2010
Hi all,

I ordered the Wits A81G for my wife for Christmas and am trying to get everything together for her before she gets it. I got the gps option but no 3G. So I am looking for a United States gps software at a low cost. I think she will be using it maybe once a month, most of the time she knows where she us going, but it would be handy in neighboring cities and looking for the kids friends houses.

Thanks everyone!
Copilot seems to work pretty well for people. It is not cheap, but you get updates and if you are going to use it, you want to get one that is updated. Double check if people experience issues with the software in your area though.

There are a few more like NDrive, Navigon...
Copilot I am a little familiar with from there trucking version, but yes it is a little expensive. I will check out the other 2 you mentioned.

Thank you
I have had a little experience with copilots truck version, but it is a little expensive for how much she will use it. I will check the other one and see what they offer.

Thank you

Update: Copilot United States from the market is showing $5. I can handle that, I don't need Canada.
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