my cruz market won't work


Dec 4, 2011
my cruz market doesn't seem to want to work. All the other icons on my page light up but only the words cruz market lights up but no grocery cart. What do I need to do to get this running?
Cruz market? Sorry, I don't understand... Are you sure you posted this in the correct section? It's for Coby tablets, which one is yours?
Just a guess, but Cruz? At any rate I recommend downloading the Amazom AppStore app.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the board, glad you could join us, hopefully a mod will see this soon and move it to the Velocity Cruz Tablet forum, in the menatime which device do you have? Do you know what version of android you're running on it? Those two question's answers will help other owners and members of the board to help you find the answer to your problem. :)