my midx5a

Install a file manager first such as ES File Explorer, then browse to the file and just select it to play it
ok but it wont play any video on the web. not just you tube, ive tried to open up other videos and only the sound comes on...please help!
Looks like I have the same problem: Received an MID X5a for christmas, no other obvious manufacturer unless I perhaps unscrew it from the filofax style wallet it is in. System says:Model:MID;Firmware: 2.1-update1;Kernel Version:2.6.29 root@localhost @368; Build number MID 1.0;

I was getting on well with it after an initial reset. Connected to my PC via USB and copied files etc. Video files played fine using Gallery with pic and sound (.mp4, avi and wmv from SD card, youtube fine as well). I even connected it to the TV via hdmi and had excellent simoultaneous play on TV and the tablet.

Then I carry on trying other "normal" things as a learning curve (nothing advanced believe me!!), go back to the video and now yes they play but on the tablet I only have sound - no pic. If I connect to the TV I do have a pic on the TV but still nothing to see on the tablet.

I have tried all sorts but without success. Different players show exactly the same symptoms. Can anyone offer a suggested solution please to get the pic back on my tablet? Cheers.
OK I have solved the problem I had with the help of another post on this forum. Seems that after I had set the display output setting to output to hdmi I did not return it to "None". The reason being that the "none" option is not immediately visible and you have to scroll the list to see it. Once set my video pics were back!! Whoopee.
Thanks Richard, I just had the same problem and was going to post but saw this one out there and I'm glad I could fix it, I do remember hearing this before but had forgot that you needed to switch it off HDMI.
This is why this website and forums are so great, I get my answer's without having to ask.
Thanks guys - my problem too. But does anyone know if you can play from a usb disc player??