My tablet Pc M701 arrived: But . battery work only half an hour and gravity sensor no


Jan 9, 2011
just got my table pc M701 with Android 1.6, but I have noticed that the gravity sensor is not working and the battery lasts up to half an hour. how can I fix this? Android upgrading to 2.1 will solve my problems?
half an hour seems like 1 of 2 batteries in your device is dead, to make sure, unload the batteries and fully recharge. The g-sensor problem could be fixed by upgrading to 2.1, good luck
where can I find the upgrade for Android and the 2.1 firmware? thanks for your answer
where can I find the upgrade for Android and the 2.1 firmware? thanks for your answer
I don't know, need more info about your device, and if you're able to find more info, I guess you know how to google, it's rather easy. All I would do is google your firmware version and add something like "root" / "rooted" or in this case "2.2", I can't do magic, google can.