Need some help with file organization.


Jul 2, 2013
So, I was here earlier asking if android tablets could do this - and I was told they could. So, I just bought the tablet and I'm having trouble actually DOING it.

That it, is decent file organization. So, what I want is three folders on my home screen.

One for movies, one for books, and one for RPG books.

I do not want to put APPS in these folders, but the files themselves. Which means, in the movie folder I want to put movies on the tablet and put them in that folder, on the home screen of my tablet, I can't seem to do that.

Also, for the RPG folder, I want subfolders. I can't figure that out either. No app I can find seems to work for either of those. Like, is this something I need to go into the tablet from my computer to do?