New Haipaid M-107R Owner


Nov 8, 2010
I've been lurking these boards for several months now and from what I can tell my girlfriend opted for a very solid little tablet (birthday present) it last night and have been playing with it all day and I have a few questions.

I am very comfortable with ADB, ROM flashing, nandroid, etc -- I've been hacking and cracking my HTC Hero (Sprint, not GSM) since last February so I feel very comfortable in the Android world. I am NOT a developer though.

Here are my questions:

1. I tried playing Raging Thunder (as shown in a demo video of this tablet) to see the graphics (I've no interest in playing games on it, but I did want to make sure the graphics looked like they should) and there were a lot of white blocks where other graphics obviously should've been. She ordered through Merimobiles, but this sounds like a software problem and I didn't see the need to bug Phil. I also tried playing Angry Birds as it is also a 3D accelerated game and same problem.

2. Random reboots -- has anyone had this happen to them? I could be merely listening to music and it will lock up and display the android boot screen -- it is within the realm of possibility it could be the stock launcher and i'll try out launcher pro to validate this theory.

3. RAM usage -- I've noticed everyone else has about the same amount of free RAM as I when in a holding pattern, but the back button doesn't always close apps (on my phone most of the time the app gets closed after "Back" so as to not bog down the memory I assume)...would rooting and using Autokiller from the market remedy the need for a task killer? I HATE task killers and the good thing about Autokiller is it just changes the already hard-coded app killoff points to higher values

4. In addition to the latter part of 3, I tried to ADB and root it earlier but with it plugged into USB, and USB debugging enabled, if I typed adb devices, nothing is listed, so I can't do anything ADB with it.
For mine,
1. Raging Thunder renders but it's too slow to play. The other two 3D games I got to work render correctly. So I haven't seen the "white squares" problem.
2. No random reboots, but some apps crash more than others. Using Zeam for my launcher.
3. Wasn't aware of Autokiller, may have to give that a try.
4. I haven't had any issues connecting via adb on Mac or Windows, but other people seem to be encountering the "no devices" problem on Windows, particularly Vista or Win7 64-bit versions. I had the Augen Gentouch 64-bit drivers installed on my Windows, I wonder if they also work for the Haipad? The main thing I have to remember is that it is "adb.exe devices" on Windows and "./adb devices" on Mac, but other than typos I haven't had any problems with adb either.

What firmware does the tablet say it is running? The current firmware for the M107-R is #121 MID 1.1.
im using the #121 ROM and I have the white graphics in Angry birds. I have tried every trick mentioned in other threads. I think the white is some kind of alpha or HDR blending problem. Ive seem something like it when doing Apple development.
I downloaded Angry Birds Lite and I see what you mean by the white blocks. I wonder if the developer used Mask Blending instead of Alpha Blending? Started "Raging Thunder" again and I'm not seeing rendering/alpha errors there, but it's still so choppy it is unplayable.
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the white blocks appear in the lite version as well .
no idea as to why my self.
still play the game but yet another little annoying bug which bothers te hell outta me
What firmware does the tablet say it is running? The current firmware for the M107-R is #121 MID 1.1.

Model Number - MID
Firmware Version - 2.1-update1
Kernel Version-2.6.29 cbsgpq@CBServer #121
Build Number-MID 1.1
OK I have rooted the tablet using the Android ADB Test drivers installed with the SDK and was immediately able to adb to it, so I have Autokiller running and will see how that works for now.

So far it's zippier...I have it set to optimum killoff points, I think anything higher would make this thing almost unusable lol.
Here are my questions:

2. Random reboots -- has anyone had this happen to them? I could be merely listening to music and it will lock up and display the android boot screen -- it is within the realm of possibility it could be the stock launcher and i'll try out launcher pro to validate this theory.

Random reboots here. Seems like more apps = more problems.
Random reboots here. Seems like more apps = more problems.

Boot the tablet, and next time it "reboots" go to spare parts and check battery information...look at the time since boot...mine shows no reboots (plus the haipad screen doesn't show up when it happens on mine, just the android screen)....something is causing the launcher to crash
Boot the tablet, and next time it "reboots" go to spare parts and check battery information...look at the time since boot...mine shows no reboots (plus the haipad screen doesn't show up when it happens on mine, just the android screen)....something is causing the launcher to crash

No Haipad screen here either, just "ANDROID."
No Haipad screen here either, just "ANDROID."

I used Titanium Backup to backup and uninstall advanced task manager...I'm wondering if that may be the culprit...unless there's a kernel issue or something wacky with their rendition of Android. So far no random launcher crashes but I'll keep playing with it
I've been running a good while now with it having Autokiller installed and no Advanced Task Manager and have ZERO launcher closes...can anyone try just uninstalling that app, no rooting and autokiller? If so, that would 100% verify the problem is in the task killer pre-loaded