New & need help


Dec 19, 2010
I’m new to this whole tablets thing, & I need some help identifying what tablet I have to reduce my chances of turning it into a brick. Any & all help will be appreciated.
According to the user’s guide;
MID F518
Processor: Tcc 8902/8900
Memory: 256MB
Under Firmware Upgrade it refers to MID701

Under settings
Firmware Ver: 2.1-update1
Build number: 2.1-update1 ÉCLAIR eng. lexue. 20101123.104428 test-keys
Do you have a picture of the device?

It is probably a variant of this:

The shipping firmware is probably the best for it at the moment. You might want to root, install adb drivers on your computer, and install clockwork recovery for the haipad M701. If it doesn't work, you would need to dump your kernel off to one of the developers so they can modify the recovery image for you.
I have the same device. My husband bought it for me for Christmas. Its fully charged and turns on it, the screen lights up but it won't boot up. He bought it from a supplier in Hong Kong. I'm hoping there is firmware I can download to get it working so I don't have to return it and wait for them to ship me a new one.