New owner of first tablet X5a - advice please!

bobby baccala

Nov 13, 2010
Hi guys

sorry if im asking pretty basic questions but i have just become proud owner of my first tablet - an X5a (with g sensor).

Just wondered if i should do any kind of system update to improve the tablets performance. It is currently running the following according to the section ABOUT DEVICE...

Model Number - MID
Firmware version 2.1 update -1
kernel 2.6.29
root @ local host #157
Build Number - Mid 1.1

If this is already up to date then fine.

Secondly are there any general settings i could alter to again improve the tablets performance, i.e from the way it has been set up from the factory?

Many thanks chaps for any help.
Congrats on your new purchase.
You have the X5A with the G-Sensor if you have that Firmware (#157) This was released at the end of October. There has not been an update provided for this FW yet. but the good thing is this model and series is well supported by the manufacturer. You likely can expect at least one more factory firmware. This is the same as the second model X5A which does not have the G-Sensor. There is a community Beta of Froyo (2.2) for this and the other similar models. This does indicate it will be able to run a factory 2.2 firmware. I did install the beta, but it is still a bit buggy. I reverted back to my prior version.
The TeleChips 8902 chip can have the setCPU applied, but it may not give you the performance you are expecting. There are tips for improving performance on multiple devices and chips. Overclocking is one of the most common ways. but you need to be careful to not burnout the CPU. These are designed for simple heatsink (if any for cooling)
Gurgle - many thanks for your quick response and im glad i have at least the latest firmware and dont have to worry about any updates just yet.

I'll happily leave it as set by the factory untill any further advice or updates are suggested.

Great community here!
I went to hsg site and they delete the firmware for the G-Sensor.

This tablet is suffering from serious battery issues and i dont know if they are currently working on a solution or they discontinued this product.