New to and an Android newbie...


May 16, 2012
Hey everyone,

I just bought my first Android Tablet (well for my wife). I ended up going low-end, because for what she is going to use it for (browsing and email), I didn't think she needed much.

I got her the Coby Kryos 7042 (7" tablet running ICS) after doing a bit of research, which led me to this site. So far it's good. Some apps have caused it to reboot automatically, but I think that may stop as apps get updated for ICS.

Thanks to this site, I have flashed the ROM, to get Google Apps Store. I am new to rooting/flashing as well, so it was a bit nerve racking...praying that I didn't brick my wife's new toy.

Thanks to everyone's input and I hope to get to the point where I can contribute to this community.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hey Bruinx97, glad you decided to become a member of the forum and congratulations on the new Coby 7042. Nice to hear the forum has been helpful to you and that you're looking forward to helping others yourself. That's what makes the forum work! Enjoy the forum and the new tablet.