Newby tech question -- Android non-market apps


Nov 6, 2010
I've had success downloading a few apps for my new Cruz Tablet, but most "market" sites give me some variant of "No matches found for: pname:*filename*"

I'm guessing my Velocity Tablet is sending "pname," which none (or few) of the markets recognize as a valid device for the software (thereby blocking the send)?

Can anyone give me suggestions on what I'm seeing, and possible routes around the problem other than "open" download sites. (I've had good success there, downloading many various products, e-mailing or synching the file to my tablet sd card, and installing a few of them from there.)

I believe the apps that don't install are being refused by the device itself, because it doesn't have the components (G3, camera, microphone, etc.) that the app tries to access. Is that close to what's happening?

Thanks to any and all responders.
Nah.... I'm a rank newby (with a real big vocabulary. I often sound like I know more than I really do).

Thanks! I'll check it out. After I get some experience and knowledge, I'll put together all that I think I've figured out into one thread.
I tested the Cruz Tablet for about 5 days, most of the issues you are running into are just the fact that the links for apps almost invariably direct you to the Android Market, which the Cruz devices cannot access. This then gets interpreted in the browser and that is how you wind up with the error. You can try to track down the apk file itself and copy that to the tablet for installation if there are things you cannot get to from the device.

Hope this helps.
You need to verify that the app is compatible with your firmware. You can try bittorrents. Just be honest and don't pirate software. Programmers need to eat too, and Ramen Noodles gets old after a while. There are also some non android market sites that allow you to purchase and download apps. Be sure to check Settings>Applications>Unknown Sources to allow for the installation of non-Android Market applications.

Ultimately, you are looking for the APK file. Then you'll need the Android SDK and drivers installed on your computer. Then it's just a matter of pluggin in your device. Opening a command prompt, navigating to the folder where the the apk is and typing "adb install filename.apk"
2 places to try "slideme" an android market, and can go to cnet and get the slide me market file and start from there..Let us know what happens
Great! I've gotten some stuff from slideme and Freeware Lovers: The Best Things in Life are FREE. (And although I don't want to pay for cameras, bluetooth, voice -- I kind of regret not having them. It's ok. I was one of the earliest adopters of the TRS-80 computer and a few months later the original IBM-PC. It was great fun making discoveries on those, as is this device.
the video play back on the tablet is great as is.. One question..was there a protective plastic on your screen.. I just got mine today and its no better than the restive one i have..thought that there maybe a plastic film...
So can iSilo be ran on a Velocity Cruz Tablet T104 android 2.0? I have been trying to load and cannot seem to figure it out. I am no expert when it comes to these devices so any help is appreciated.