Newest Member / Cracked Screen


Jan 19, 2012
Greetings All.

I look forward to sharing in the wealth of knowledge you all have to offer.

My Tablet: 7" VIA Apad 8650 Green LED, Black mic jack. Upgraded using Uberoid

Here's my question: This tablet is from china, and I dropped it a few days back causing the screen to crack which disabled the touch screen. I disassembled it, removing the touch screen and see the following part number on the screen: AP580CA-A2. I have looked around everywhere but cannot seem to find the exact screen with part number. How specific are the screens in terms of replacement? Would I be able to use another 7" screen that also has 4 wires? Where could I find this screen part, or similar, online?

Thanks for your help


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Greetings to you as well netscaven, I'm going to move your thread over to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you. That way more people will see it and hopefully someone will know where you can get a replacement screen for that tablet. Good luck!