Nexus 7 Battery - Awesome!


Senior Member
May 25, 2012
Slow discharge, quick charge:

Wish my Droid X could do the same...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Slow discharge, quick charge:
Wish my Droid X could do the same..

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
My Nexus 7 just went 4.5 days between charges! Simply awesome. I've never owned an Android device that could do this:
That is awesome. My Nooks will do the same stock and wit light use (great deep sleep) but that is a whole other version of Android :)
My Nexus 7 never ceases to amaze me! This time, over 7 days since I last charged it, and I still have 13% battery left. I'm so happy, I think I am going to cry!
Sent from my stock, rooted Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
The Nexus 7 went over 13 days now, and still had 11% battery left before I started charging it. I set Wi-Fi to turn off while sleeping, which contributed to the longer battery life.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
How do you leave your tablet (mostly) alone for a fortnight?

I check e-mail occasionally (I have the same accounts on my DroidX), and use 1 or 2 apps. I use my DroidX for most things simply because it is always within reach, even though it has a smaller screen and gets sluggish after a couple of days.
I am also lugging around my office Windows 7 laptop (Core i7, yeah!) these days; when I am done with that laptop, I suspect I'll be using my tablet more often, especially for web-browsing. I might even install all kinds of useless apps on my Nexus 7 (like I did on my DroidX) and then regret it. Lol!
7 days + running battery?

Nexus is surely going to help me. I need frequent charge to my ASUS tablet. Will try Nexus now.
The Nexus 7 went over 13 days now, and still had 11% battery left before I started charging it. I set Wi-Fi to turn off while sleeping, which contributed to the longer battery life.
View attachment 9395
View attachment 9396

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Are you still recharging every two weeks, or are you using it more often, now? How many apps do you have installed, these days. I use mine all the time and recharge whenever needed, sometimes twice a day. The only way that I use to conserve the charge is turning it off, when not in use.