OfficeSuite Pro6


Staff member
Nov 4, 2010
If any of you are looking for a full featured office app, you might want to check out OfficeSuite Pro6 - it is only 99cents till the 10th of May! That is $14.00 off!!


**Description from Google Play Market, read & see more by using the link to the market - **

View, Edit, Print and Share your office documents on the go!
**** 0.99$ for 3 days only until May, 10th! ****
Create, view, edit, print and share Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and attachments and view PDF files on your Android based phone with a single complete feature-rich mobile office solution. Now also on Android Honeycomb. The software utilizes the most commonly used desktop document formats and also includes a File Browser and integration with Google Docs, DropBox, Box and SugarSync to help you manage your local, remote files and email attachments. OfficeSuite Pro is an essential productivity application offering greater office efficiency than ever anywhere, anytime.
OfficeSuite 6 New Features
* Page view for Word and other text documents
* Headers and footers in Word documents
* Page numbering in text documents
* Editing in PowerPoint Slide View for even faster slide changing
* Objects manipulation in PowerPoint files – move, resize, rotate
* Filters in Excel so you can quickly and effectively handle your data
* Significantly increased number of functions in Excel – OfficeSuite now offers the richest choice of 240 unique functions
* Improved cell selection in spreadsheets
* SugarSync compatibility so you can now access your remote files in SugarSync
* Cursor adjustment in text documents
* WordArt support in text documents
* Optimized for Android 4.0
Not quite as good as getting it free from Amazon ;) but that is a great deal people. Even if you don't think you need it for that price you should do yourself the favor and pick it up. There will almost certainly be a point where you need its functions.
The new page view in the word app in ver. 6 gives it the final touch (well still waiting for spell check) to make it my office app of choice.
Where can I read all the specs on OfficeSuite? I have a requirement for Excel hyperlinks to work. My tablet is connected to my Windows server and I can open any table and read it. But with some I have hyperlinks to open pdf files of released engineering drawings. Normally the shop here works from letter size hardcopies but I'd like to replace that with a tablet instead. I've got thousands of pdf to view via a hyperlink but none of the freebie suites will do that. Can someone point me to the maker of OfficeSuite or the specs for it to confirm it will work with hyperlinks in Excel. Thanks!
I think hyperlinks might be a tricky issue in Android office apps. At this price it can't hurt to pick up the app and see how you like it. :)
Office Suite 6, I did compatibility tests with it, Excel and Word. The compatibility issues are real. If you are going from Documents To go to another application, make sure you test, you will end up with files that cannot be opened with Excel and Word.

Back up your files before testing.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
This is a repost. I have done extensive compatibility checks with Office Sit, Documents To Go, Word and Excel. If you are moving from DTG, make sure you test extensively for compatibility with Word and Excel; otherwise you may end up with some issues, such as lost data or corrupt files.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
bclinger said:
This is a repost. I have done extensive compatibility checks with Office Sit, Documents To Go, Word and Excel. If you are moving from DTG, make sure you test extensively for compatibility with Word and Excel; otherwise you may end up with some issues, such as lost data or corrupt files.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk

Probably a little more complicated than that, it depends which version of office you are using on your PC as well. Admittedly my only real concern is word, and the biggest compatibility problem people I know have is choosing the wrong format to save their files in. Docx is definitely a space saver but you need a newer version of office to open them. If you find yourself in a situation where you absolutely need to edit on an earlier version of word just save a copy in doc format and you're fine. I have used OfficeSuite Pro extensively, trusting it for a major project, now at 60000+ words, backing up of course. Not to put down DTG, I've used it for years, but for me the OfficeSuite pro word processing app is simply better as well as more elegant. I should note that I own both, as well as Quick Office.
Their support people acknowledged the bug this evening. Not a version problem.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
bclinger said:
Their support people acknowledged the bug this evening. Not a version problem.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk

What particular bug did they acknowledge?
Spent some time playing with OfficeSuite pro, DTG, and QuickOffice HD, and I found that if you use any of these and save as a doc file there is no trouble opening the docs with Word, or even WordPad. There is, however,a lot of issues as you move docs between these apps themselves, so I guess the lesson I should have learned is decide on one and stick with it. However, while playing with these apps and making sure I had the latest versions,I discovered that Quickoffice pro HD has evolved and now includes an effective spell checker, page view (basically wysiwyg) and a number of other improvements that convinced me that this is going to be my new app for word processing. Really the spell check should be included in any decent word app, and if OfficeSuite Pro had it I would have stuck with it. Of course, mainly thanks to Amazon (I actually only paid for DRY) I own all them so who knows in the future but it took some time to migrate my documents over to QuickOffice, if only to open each one and make sure there were no problems, and my current project has about 45 separate documents. I think I'm going to be happy with the change, although I really don't like the directory/file structure as well as Office Suite. Until DTG takes the time to optimize for tablets its just stretched/expands to fill the screen and just looks unpleasant.
OfficeSuitePro6 seemed like a good choice until I found problems in identifying where it stores files. The obvious choices recent files, My docs, local files, all seem blank and I am wondering what I have missed. There seems to be no FAQ's supporting the MobiSystems website. Can anyone suggest a source of FAQ's on use of Word processor module in OfficeSuitePro 6 with Galaxy 10.1?
Puzzled as well as grizzled