PDF loading issue


Mar 3, 2011
I have a rooted Kyros 7015 and I am experiencing difficulties with some converted to PDF files. They will load but only 20 or so of the pages. When I try and load it on my PC, it loads fine. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have downloaded other PDF viewers and it loads correctly but the text is all blurry. It only happens with the Adobe viewer.

I just tried it on my unrooted EVO and it does the same thing. Any help would be stellar. I would love to read some of my PDF books on the Kyros but it is hard when it only loads part way.

Thank you in advance.
Have you tried ezPDF reader? I've tried a handful of others, this is the one I'm most satisfied with.

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I'm using the stock Aldiko reader for PDF books including Overdrive encrypted. They all have worked cover to cover. Don't care for PDFs for books - epubs give more options for customized views.