Rooting Asus Eee Pad Slider - Android - Honeycomb 3.2.1


Mar 1, 2012
Don't know if anyone else is trying to do this or not but this is what I have gotten to so far.

I explored the internet and on XDA-Developers they said to use Razorclaw to root my tablet. They said it was created as a one step rooting for the TF101 but worked with the slider also.

Took a while but I found Razorclaw and ran it. It was a one step and appeared on the surface to have worked.

I then installed SuperUser and TI Backup (which requires SuperUser status to function). TI said it could not get superuser status so I looked at SuperUser which said it needed BusyBox to function. So I installed BusyBox and reinstalled SuperUser and TI Backup. Still didn't work.

On research on SuperUser they said the SU executable should be either in the \system\bin or \system\xbin directories and it wasn't. So now its back to SuperUser to see if there is something wrong with that installation.

Others reported that it worked correct the first time for them but I haven't gotten it to work yet. If anyone has any ideas I'd be open to try them. Meanwhile I'll keep truckin along and see where it leads me to try to get my table rooted so I can get a good backup and maybe even try some new ROM's eventually.

Thanks for listening.

I'll keep checkin this post :) I have a slider sl101 but uavent player around with it much. Still trying to figure out the benefits of rooting it. I jailbroje my ipgone and someone said to condider the android tablet to be the equivalent of jb an iPhone.