[Rumor] More Details on Google Nexus Tab; First From Asus, With Tegra 3; Google I/O


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Jan 5, 2011

More info has begun streaming out about the Google Nexus tablet. Supposedly, TechnoBuffalo has some exclusive info regarding the phantom device. According to their sources, the first Google Nexus tablet will be announced at Google's I/O Conference next month, and several new details have emerged as well. Here's what their sources suggest:
  • The tablet will be officially unveiled at Google's I/O Conference, and attendees will each receive one.
  • Asus will indeed be the first Google Nexus Tablet designer, but there may be more in the works from several manufacturers.
  • The tablet will have a 7-inch display and a NVIDIA Tegra 3 chipset.
  • Supposedly, this chipset will be based upon NVIDIA's newer, and less expensive, "Kai" architecture. Because of this it will likely retail for around $200.
  • It may come pre-loaded with Android 5.0/Jelly Bean.
This news piece also hinted at the accuracy of earlier rumors about five different Nexus-style phones from five different manufacturers, and that they will be coming in November "to mark the 5th anniversary of Android."

Source: NexusTablets.net via TechnoBuffalo
Very cool and this sounds in line with Google's m.o. (they did the same with the Chrome Books).