

Jan 12, 2011
Hi. New guy here. Looking to find out when 2.2 might be iut for S7. And if I will be able to run flash and-or move some apps to my sd card. Thanks.

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Oh... And if anyI am asking in the wrong place, please redirect me. Thanks.

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That is the $64 million question. If you read through the forum, there are conflicting reports from those that may or may not have inside contacts at Huawei whether they will be providing an upgrade to 2.2/2.3/3.0 to existing users. What is more certain is that Huawei will likely be coming out with s7 variants early this year which "might" have capacitive multi-touch screen and/or might be running 2.2/2.3 - but we have no confirmation. Existing users may still benefit from an s7 variant relaease because it comes with the likely promise of compatible accessories (finally) such as the elusive docking station that has been tantalizing owners based on rando images posted on the web. In the mean time, the community is not waiting on its hands for Huawei or its distributers to get with the program. Many devs and chefs are working on cooking up alternative roms or attempting to get 2.2-like functionality (e.g., apps2sd) working on the existing s7. Just peruse this forum to see all the work going on. Also recommended is as a partial "flash" bandaid is using the skyfire as an alternative browser on your s7. Good luck and enjoy the best Huawei s7 users forum on the planet.

Sent from my Ideos S7
Thanks much. Will take yiur suggestions.

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There are reports on Huawei's forum that 2.2 will be available in March. We have a working apps2sd mod, but it requires command level adb and rooting your phone.
What is more certain is that Huawei will likely be coming out with s7 variants early this year which "might" have capacitive multi-touch screen and/or might be running 2.2/2.3
Sent from my Ideos S7


If I may ask... And what about europeen (or french only :confused: ) users who are buying brand new S7 on the market available since about 4 weeks here, WITH CAPACITIVE multi-touch screen ?

Furthermore :
- Which are the real differences (but the capacitive screen) between the different marketing versions of the S7 ?
- In which market (countries ?) are the capacitive version commercialized ?

(I hope i'm not beside the point of this thread. If so, please move my post to the right place.)

Thanks in advance for your answers, and please, excuse my english...
Very good response vferrari!

There are so many people (on other forums) that would've responded simply to use the search function (in caps and generally with foul language).

It's refreshing to see helpful / polite people!