Text Selection problem



I have, to me at least, a pretty weird problem. When I enter text in a search or Submit Box then press it to execute the action the text becomes bracketed from below by what can only be described as looking like the jaws of a pair of pliers, the Submit or Search function is NOT carried out, touching the screen away from the box clears the "Pliers" but they constantly re-appear when attempting to activate that action.:confused:
It is selecting the text rather than entering the search string. Not sure what software you are using but there is often a search button on the keyboard, or just hit enter or return on the keyboard.

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition
Tom T, that worked! Thanks. I wonder if this problem is related to "Copy and Paste" App which I installed, one of the features of this is an "Extended KB with extra languages and symbols" my KB now acts like a demented dyslexic printing practically anything but the key I pressed!
I think if you are using Honeycomb it is built into the OS. I pretty much turn off predictive text because of the constant struggle, it kind of reminds me of the old joke about the apple Newton handwriting recognition. I think over time it would get better though, it does seem to "learn".

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition
Tom T the OS is Gingerbread, but I made a mistake, the Copy and Paste program is not installed on this 10" SuperPad II, it is installed on the 7" Zenithink also Gingerbread but with no problems!

Dyslexic KB must have another cause!
I'll try that, DanU, it sounds about right 'cause there seems no reason for it!
Re-Calibrating seems to have had some effect but the Tablet is still VERY slow at responding to touch and sometimes just refuses to show a virtual KB, plus is there a way to disable the screen prompts fo "Text Input Method" and the corresponding "Use Android KB"? (because it simply doesn't appear, the KB that is!)