Thinking about buying WM8650 8" from pickegg

Hello there

I bought the same model few months ago for like 120€ and I'm really happy about it.

Firmware that came with the tablet was the old chinese one. I could't play any games on it, even if I could start them, they would run so slow...
You can find modded firmwares at HcH's forum the newest version is v8, I haven't tested it yet, I'm using v7.1 and I must say it increased the tablet performances by more then double.
My tablet runs for like 2-3 hours with Wifi turned on.
I mostly play games on it, search the internet, youtube.. I don't read much books, I have a few from the college use. There are really great apps for book reading. You can adjust the brightness and day/night backlight.
You can't play 3D games on WonderMedia tablets. You can play all the platform games (2D games) and also the old games from the Gameboy,GameBoyAdvanced, nintendo, Sega Genesis and much more.

If you have more questions leave them here.
Hello there

I bought the same model few months ago for like 120€ and I'm really happy about it.

Firmware that came with the tablet was the old chinese one. I could't play any games on it, even if I could start them, they would run so slow...
You can find modded firmwares at HcH's forum the newest version is v8, I haven't tested it yet, I'm using v7.1 and I must say it increased the tablet performances by more then double.
My tablet runs for like 2-3 hours with Wifi turned on.
I mostly play games on it, search the internet, youtube.. I don't read much books, I have a few from the college use. There are really great apps for book reading. You can adjust the brightness and day/night backlight.
You can't play 3D games on WonderMedia tablets. You can play all the platform games (2D games) and also the old games from the Gameboy,GameBoyAdvanced, nintendo, Sega Genesis and much more.

If you have more questions leave them here.
I have the same tablet but every ROM I use I don't have touch screen and no sound can you plz help me ?
Hi trie choosing num 13 from the choice of Rom it will rite on your SD card,worked worked for me

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