Torn between Transformer and Slider


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
Needs some opinions. I absolulutely love my tranformer, but I like the one piece and convience of the sider.

If you had the choice which route would you go? I'm really torn between the two.

The only concern about the Slider is more mechanical moving parts.

Weigh in please.
I love the transformer and I would choose the transformer over the slider because I like the convenience of leaving the keyboard behind and travelling light with just the transformer.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Here's my thought.

The transformer+dock gives you the OPTION to either have an ultra-portable notebook with 16hr battery life or a light and thin weight tablet.

The slider gives you the OPTION to either have an ultra-portable notebook WITH ONE VIEWING ANGLE or a thick and heavy tablet.

Your choice.
It is definately an interesting choice to have to make. i agonized over it for a while before choosing the Transformer/keyboard dock. One nice thing about the slider is not having to decide whether to take the keyboard, you will always have it with you.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
That's what I like about the Transformer it's the option. After installing Swype it's not as inconvience to hold while typing. I wish Bestbuy had one at the store to play with.
Funny, maybe it is the Asus keyboard but it seems to have swype functionality built in, this post written with it and I have not installed any alternative keyboards.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I saw the swipe option for the Asus keyboard but unless it's me it doesnt seem to work. I like that Swype is adjustable size so you can fit it in the corner.

I think weigning on my own research that I picked the right tablet. I really like the option and can't get passed that option being available.
I just got my keyboard dock delivered today, and it is solid. I also believe now that I made the right choice, this thing is just beyond cool.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Android Tablet Forum
I am going to wait for the Asus Transformer 2, which is due out soon. The extra power of the new quad core is worth waiting for. I will order the keyboard dock at the same time. The slider looks really cool but I fear it may be too delicate. I would rather plug into the keyboard dock when needed. They say it will come with Android 4.0, which would be the added bonus, worth waiting for.
I am going to wait for the Asus Transformer 2, which is due out soon. The extra power of the new quad core is worth waiting for. I will order the keyboard dock at the same time. The slider looks really cool but I fear it may be too delicate. I would rather plug into the keyboard dock when needed. They say it will come with Android 4.0, which would be the added bonus, worth waiting for.

Frankly waiting sucks for me, and early adopters {which I usually am quite happy to be} tend to have to be very patient as software slowly catches up to the hardware. You end up buying potential rather than functionality.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
i have the slider and love thefact that i dont have to carry around and attchment all the time... it fits in my targus tablet case i bought for 29$ and its amazing...i saw the transformer one but i didnt like the keyboard attchment...

Sent from my Slider SL101 using Android Tablet Forum
I still am not sure if it has a pointing device built into the keyboard. I love the concept for quick but short text input, but a keyboard without a track pad or other pointing device would be less functional than the Transformer with the keyboard dock, plus I LOVE the extended battery life.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I was torn, too. I really like the slider and how it works. Just felt good to use, and less bulky than the transformer. In the end, though, I got the transformer for the track pad, longer battary life, and the extra SD card slot (I now have a 96GB tablet--take that, ipad!)

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Frankly waiting sucks for me, and early adopters {which I usually am quite happy to be} tend to have to be very patient as software slowly catches up to the hardware. You end up buying potential rather than functionality.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum

I agree with you 100%,waiting does suck!!! But from the speed tests I have seen on the quad core tablet really makes a big difference for me. Guess we will just have to see how much maturity ICS brings to the table.