Verizon Wireless not allowing Skype over 3G on The Samsung Galaxy Tab


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

Well it seems Verizon is trying to stay clear of the high bandwidth demands of users accessing Skype over 3G and will not allow Skype for the upcoming Galaxy Tab to support it. This news comes hot off the press over at
Verizon's deal with Skype puts a special version of Skype on Verizon's Android phones that makes calls through a 3G voice gateway. Apparently, that isn't going to work on the Verizon Galaxy Tab.
Now there are two ways of solving these things:

  • 1) Roll over and allow Verizon to do this and just use alternative software like Fring or something similar that works over 3G for free.
  • 2) Make a request in Xeudoxus's forum asking nicely for a solution to this minor setback.
No matter what happens, I am sure we can find other ways to use Skype over 3G even if Verizon doesn’t like it.

Source: Skype over 3G on The Samsung Galaxy Tab is a No-Go on VZW - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum