Video review of the Pandigital 7" eReader (Rooted) at Kohl's - The $59.99 version


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Nov 26, 2010

The market is working great. I have already downloaded at least 25 apps without a single problem. I'm also able to stream music and videos on this tablet.

The screen is one of the better resistive screens that I have used.

It was $59.99 at Kohl's, but i'll let you in on a secret. If you apply for a Kohl's credit card, they give you $20.00 off. So I bought this tablet for me for only $40!!!

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Is there an instructional video on how to root the Pandigital? If not, could someone make one on how to do this? I have never hacked or rooted, and am afraid to try without some kind of visual instruction. When I was reading about all the different kinds of hacks, I was totally confused as to which one to use.
zarahlin: I can do that for you. Give me until tomorrow... it's actually very very easy. It's as simple as copy/pasting the .zip file onto the internal card. I can do a quick tutorial if you wish though.
awesome review feverhost, thanks! I was wondering though which file you used to flash the rom? I've tried several but always have an issue with the Market.
awesome review feverhost, thanks! I was wondering though which file you used to flash the rom? I've tried several but always have an issue with the Market.
I've heard that, and that's why I'm a little reluctant to root this device. I read good things on the Pandigital facebook page on the easy SC card method. It is ROEBEET's 9/23 mod with rotation fix. Still some are reporting the market issues and some seem to be fine. The workaround seems to be using new google accounts until you get in, but that seems like such a hassle to me.
Hey guys: I'm a little back-logged today, but I will definitely do a video review on how to root this (how easy it is) and what version I used. Stay tuned, thanks :)
Thanks Ferverhost. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for your tutorial also. I am scared to try this flashing and rooting stuff without more detailed info. I might mess up something.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and for your willingness to help others.
Wow! I have to say that for a low dollar tablet that thing is pretty impressive!
Thanks for taking the time to post that review.

Sent from my Haipad M701-R using Android Tablet Forum App.
I'm uploading a video on how I rooted the device. It takes about 2 minutes to do, and is extremely easy.